Press Releases
2023: UCLA Newsroom (September, 2023): "UCLA joins consortium of nation’s high-power laser facilities". PHOENIX Laser Lab joins the LaserNet US.
2022: AIP News (April12, 2022): "Modeling Earth’s Magnetosphere in the Laboratory", a collaborative project between Princeton, UCLA, and Instituto Superior Tecnico, Portugal.
2022: Instruments 6(2): Features our "First Results from the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic on the Large Plasma Device" (image below).
2020: John Dawson Award to Professor Christoph Niemann for Excellence in Plasma Physics Research.
2015: EOS Science News by AGU: "Scientists create collisionless shock waves to better understand the phenomenon in nature.".
2014: Geophysical Research Letters (Vol. 41, Issue 21): First observation of collisionless shocks generated by an energetic laser in a laboratory environment, featured on the cover of the journal (image on the right).
2011: Photons and Fusion Newsletter (October, 2011): "A new mission for the Peening Laser".
- 2024
S. Eisenbach, D.A. Mariscal, R.S. Dorst, T. Van Hoomissen, A.M. Ortiz, H. Zhang, J.J. Pilgram, C.G. Constantin, L. Rovige, P.V. Heuer, D.B. Schaeffer, and C. Niemann
Machine learning analysis of high-repetition-rate two-dimensional Thomson scattering spectra from laser-produced plasmas
Journal of Physics D: Applied Physics 58, 035202 (2024)
L. Rovige, F.D. Cruz, R.S. Dorst, J.J. Pilgram, C.G. Constantin, S. Vincena, F. Cruz, L.O. Silva, C. Niemann, and D.B. Schaeffer
Laboratory Study of Magnetic Reconnection in Lunar-relevant Mini-magnetosphere
The Astrophysical Journal 969, 124 (2024)
- 2023
H. Zhang, J.J. Pilgram, C.G. Constantin, L. Rovige, P.V. Heuer, S. Ghazaryan, M. Kaloyan, R.S. Dorst, D.B. Schaeffer, and C. Niemann
Two-Dimensional Thomson Scattering in Laser-Produced Plasmas
Instruments 7, 25 (2023)
- 2022
R. S. Dorst, C. G. Constantin, D. B. Schaeffer, J. J. Pilgram, and C. Niemann
Planar laser induced fluorescence mapping of a carbon laser produced plasma
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 103518 (2022)
R. S. Dorst, D. B. Schaeffer, A. Le, J. J. Pilgram, C. G. Constantin, S. Vincena, S. P. Tripathi, D. Winske, D. Larson, M. Cowee, and C. Niemann
High repetition rate mapping of the interaction between a laser plasma and magnetized background plasma via laser induced fluorescence
Physics of Plasmas 29, 082113 (2022)
S. Ghazaryan, M. Kaloyan, W. Gekelman, Z. Lucky, S. Vincena, S.P. Tripathi, P. Pribyl, and C. Niemann
Thomson Scattering on the large plasma device
Review of Scientific Instruments 93, 083514 (2022)
M. Kaloyan, S. Ghazaryan, S.P. Tripathi, W. Gekelman, Mychal J. Valle, Byonghoon Seo, and C. Niemann
First Results from the Thomson Scattering Diagnostic on the Large Plasma Device
Instruments 6 (2022)
J.J Pilgram, M.B.P. Adams, C.G. Constantin, P.V. Heuer, S. Ghazaryan, M. Kaloyan, R.S. Dorst, D.B. Schaeffer, P. Tzeferacos, and C. Niemann
High repetition rate exploration of the Biermann battery effect in laser produced plasmas over large spatial regions
High Power Laser Science and Engineering 10, 02000e13 (2022)
D.B. Schaeffer, F.D. Cruz, R.S. Dorst, F. Cruz, P.V. Heuer, C.G. Constantin, P. Pribyl, C. Niemann, L.O. Silva, and A. Bhattacharjee
Laser-driven, ion-scale magnetospheres in laboratory plasmas.I. Experimental platform and first results
Physics of Plasmas 29, 032902 (2022)
- 2021
S. Ghazaryan, M. Kaloyan, and C. Niemann
Silica Raman scattering probe for absolute calibration of Thomson scattering spectrometers
Journal of Instrumentation 16, P08045 (2021)
M. Kaloyan, S. Ghazaryan, C.G. Constantin, R.S. Dorst, P.V. Heuer, J.J. Pilgram, D.B. Schaeffer, and C. Niemann
Raster Thomson scattering in large-scale laser plasmas produced at high repetition rate
Review of Scientific Instruments 92, 093102 (2021)
- 2020
R.S. Dorst, P.V. Heuer, D.B. Schaeffer, C.G. Constantin, and C. Niemann
Measurements of ion velocity distributions in a large scale laser-produced plasma
Review of Scientific Instruments 91, 103103 (2020)
P.V. Heuer, M.S. Weidl, R.S. Dorst, D.B. Schaeffer, S.K.P. Tripathi, S. Vincena, C.G. Constantin, C. Niemann, and D. Winske
Laser-produced plasmas as drivers of laboratory collisionless quasi-parallel shocks
Physics of Plasmas 7, 042103 (2020)
P.V. Heuer, M.S. Weidl, R.S. Dorst, D.B. Schaeffer, S.K.P. Tripathi, S. Vincena, C.G. Constantin, C. Niemann, L.B. Wilson, and D. Winske
Laboratory Observations of Ultra-low-frequency Analog Waves Driven by the Right-hand Resonant Ion Beam Instability
The Astrophysical Journal Letters 891, L11 (2020)
- 2018
P.V. Heuer, M.S. Weidl, R.S. Dorst, D.B. Schaeffer, A.S. Bondarenko, S.K.P. Tripathi, B. Van Compernolle, S. Vincena, C.G. Constantin, C. Niemann, and D. Winske
Observations of a field-aligned ion/ion-beam instability in a magnetized laboratory plasma
Physics of Plasmas 25, 032104 (2018)
- 2017
M.S. Weidl, P. Heuer, D. Schaeffer, R. Dorst, D. Winske, C Constantin, and C. Niemann
Towards a parallel collisionless shock in LAPD
Journal of Physics:Conference Series, Volume 900, Number 1, 012020 (2017)
D.B. Schaeffer, D. Winske, D.J. Larson, M.M. Cowe, C.G. Constantin, A.S. Bondarenko, S.E. Clark, and C. Niemann
On the generation of magnetized collisionless shocks in the large plasma device
Physics of Plasmas 24, 041405 (2017)
P.V. Heuer, D.B. Schaeffer, E.N. Knall, C.G. Constantin, L.R. Hofer, S. Vincena, S. Tripathi, C. Niemann
Fast gated imaging of the collisionless interaction of a laser-produced and magnetized ambient plasma
High Energy Density Physics 22, 17 (2017)
A.S. Bondarenko,D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, S.E. Clark, B.R. Lee, C.G. Constantin, S. Vincena, B. Van Compernolle, S.K.P. Tripathi, D. Winske, and C. Niemann
Collisionless momentum transfer in space and astrophysical explosions
Nature Physics 13 (2017)
A.S. Bondarenko,D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, S.E. Clark, B.R. Lee, C.G. Constantin, S. Vincena, B. Van Compernolle, S.K.P. Tripathi, D. Winske, and C. Niemann
Laboratory study of collisionless coupling between explosive debris plasma and magnetized ambient plasma
Physics of Plasmas 24, 082110 (2017)
- 2016
M.S. Weidl, D. Winske, F. Jenko, and C. Niemann
Hybrid simulations of a parallel collisionless shock in the Large plasma device
Physics of Plasmas 23, No. 12, 122102 (2016)
L.R. Hofer, D.B. Schaeffer, C.G. Constantin, and C. Niemann
Bias Voltage Control in Pulsed Applications for Mach-Zehnder Electrooptic Intensity Modulators
IEEE Transactions on Control Systems Technology PP , No. 99 (2016)
D.B. Schaeffer, A.S. Bondarenko, E.T. Everson, S.E. Clark, C.G. Constantin and C. Niemann
Characterization of laser-produced carbon plasmas relevant to laboratory astrophysics
Journal of Applied Physics 120, No. 4, 043301 (2016)
D.B. Schaeffer, C.G. Constantin, A.S. Bondarenko, E.T. Everson and C. Niemann
Spatially resolved Thomson scattering measurements of the transition from the collective to the non-collective regime in a laser-produced plasma
Review of Scientific Instrumentss 87, Issue 11, 11E701 (2016)
- 2015
D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, A.S. Bondarenko, S.E. Clark, C.G. Constantin, D. Winske, W. Gekelman, C. Niemann
Experimental study of subcritical laboratory magnetized collisionless shocks using a laser-driven magnetic piston
Physics of Plasmas 22, 113101 (2015)
- 2014
B.R. Lee, D.H.H. Hoffmann, S.E. Clark, C. Niemann
of electron pressure on debris-ambient coupling in a magnetized collisionless shock
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 43(5), 1815 (2014)
A.S. Bondarenko, D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, S.E. Clark, C.G. Constantin, C. Niemann
Spectroscopic Measurement of High-Frequency Electric Fields in the Interaction of Explosive Debris Plasma with Magnetized Background Plasma
Physics of Plasmas 21, 122112 (2014)
S.E. Clark, E.T. Everson, D.B. Schaeffer, A.S. Bondarenko, C.G. Constantin, D. Winske, C. Niemann
Enhanced collisionless shock formation in a magnetized plasma containing a density gradient
Physical Review E 90, 041101(R) (2014)
C. Niemann, W. Gekelman, C.G. Constantin, E.T. Everson, D.B. Schaeffer, A.S. Bondarenko, S.E. Clark, D. Winske, S. Vincena, B. Van Compernolle
Observation of collisionless shocks in a large current-free laboratory plasma
Geophysical Research Letter, 41 2014GL061820 (2014)
D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, A.S. Bondarenko, S.E. Clark, C.G. Constantin, S. Vincena, B. Van Compersnolle, S.K.P. Tripathi, D. Winske, W. Gekelman, C. Niemann
Laser-driven, magnetized quasi-perpendicular collisionless shocks on the Large
Plasma Device
Physics of Plasmas 21, 056312 (2014)
- 2013
S.E. Clark, D. Winske, D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, A.S. Bondarenko, C. Constantin, C. Niemann
Hybrid simulation of shock formation for super-Alfvenic expansion of laser
ablated debris through an ambeitn, magnetized plasma
Physics of Plasmas 20, 082129 (2013)
C. Niemann, W. Gekelman, C.G. Constantin, E.T. Everson, D.B. Schaeffer, S.E. Clark, D. Winske, A.B. Zylstra, P. Pribyl, S.K.P. Tripathi, D. Larson, S.H. Glenzer, A.S. Bondarenko
Dynamics of exploding plasmas in a large magnetized plasma
Physics of Plasmas 20, 012108 (2013)
- 2012
C. Fortmann, C. Niemann, S.H. Glenzer
Theory of x-ray scattering in high-pressure electrides
Physical Review B 86, 174116 (2012)
A.S. Bondarenko, D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, C.G. Constantin, S.E. Clark, C. Niemann
Feasibility of characterizing laser-ablated carbon plasmas via planar
laser induced fluorescence
Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10E515 (2012)
S.E. Clark, D.B. Schaeffer, A.S. Bondarenko, E.T. Everson, C.G. Constantin, C. Niemann
Magnetic field measurements in low density plasmas using paramagnetic
Faraday rotator glass
Review of Scientific Instruments 83, 10D503 (2012)
N. Kugland, B. Aurand, C.G. Brown, C.G. Constantin, E.T. Everson, S.H. Glenzer, D.B. Schaeffer, A. Tauschwitz, C. Niemann
Demonstration of a low electromagnetic pulse laser-driven argon gas
jet x-ray source
Applied Physics Letters 101, 024102 (2012)
D.B. Schaeffer, E.T. Everson, D. Winske, C.G. Constantin, A.S. Bondarenko, L.A. Morton, K.A. Flippo, D.S. Montgomery, S.A. Gaillard, C. Niemann
Generation of magnetized collisionless shocks by a novel,
laser-driven magnetic piston
Physics of Plasmas 19, 070702 (2012)
C. Fortmann, H.J. Lee, T. Soeppner, R.W. Falcone, A.L. Kritcher, O.L. Landen, C. Niemann, S.H. Glenzer
Adiabatic Index in Shock-Compressed Beryllium
Contributions to Plasma Physics 52(3), 186 (2012)
C. Niemann, C.G. Constantin, D.B. Schaeffer, A. Tauschwitz, T. Weiland, Z. Lucky, W. Gekelman, E.T. Everson, D. Winske
High-energy Nd:glass laser faciltiy for collisionless laboratory
Journal of Instrumentation 7, P03010 (2012)
D.B. Schaeffer, D.S. Montgomery, A.S. Bondarenko, L.A. Morton, R.P. Johnson, T. shimada, C.G. Constantin, E.T. Everson, S.A. Letzring, A.S. Gaillard, K.A. Flippo, S.H. Glenzer, C. Niemann
Thomson scattering measurements of temperature and density in a low-density, laser-driven magnetized plasma
Journal of Instrumentation 7, P02002 (2012)
G. Gregori, A. Ravasio, C.D. Murphy, K. Schaar, A. Baird, A.R. Bell, A. Benuzzi-Mounaix, R. Bingham, C. Constantin, R.P. Drake, M. Edwards, E.T. Everson, C.D. Gregory, Y. Kuramitsu, W. Lau, J. Mithen, C. Niemann, H.S. Park, B.A. Remington, B. Reville, A.P.L. Robinson, D.D. Ryutov, Y. Sakawa, S. Yang, N.C. Woolsey, M. Koenig, F. Miniati
Generation of scaled protogalactiv seed magnetic fields in laser-produced
shock waves
Nature 481, 480 (2012)
- 2011
C. Niemann, R. Berger, L. Divol, R. Kirkwood, J. Moody, C. Sorce, S. Glenzer
Stimulated forward Raman scattering in large scale-length laser-produced plasmas
Journal of Instrumentation 6, P10008 (2011)
C. Niemann, A. Bondarenko, C. Constantin, E. Everson, K. Flippo, S. Gaillard, R. Johnson, S. Letzring, D. Montgomery, L. Morton, D. Schaeffer, T. Shimada, D. Winske
Shocks in a Large Magnetized Laser-Plasma Plume
IEEE Transactions on Plasma Science 39(11), 2406 (2011)
N. Kugland, C. Constantin, T. Doeppner, P. Neumayer, S. Glenzer, C. Niemann
Characterization of a spherically bent quartz crystal for K-alpha x-ray imaging of laser
plasmas using a focusing monochromator geometry
Journal of Instrumentation 6, T03002 (2011)
S. Glenzer et al.
Demonstration of Ignition Radiation Temperatures in Indirect-Drive Inertial Confinement Fusion Hohlraums
Phys. Rev. Lett. 106, 085004 (2011)
- 2010
A. Pelka, G. Gregori, D. Gericke, J. Vorberger, S. Glenzer, M. Guenther, K. Harres, R. Heathcote, A. Kritcher, N. Kugland, B. Li, M. Makita, J. Mithen , D. Neely, C. Niemann, A. Otten, D. Riley, G. Schaumann, M. Schollmeier, An. Tauschwitz, M. Roth
Ultrafast Melting of Carbon Induced by Intense Proton Beams
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 265701 (2010)
J. Moody, P. Datte, K. Krauter, E. Bond, P. Michel, S. Glenzer, L. Divol, C. Niemann, L. Suter, N. Meezan, B. McGowan, R. Hibbard, R. London, J. Kilkenny, R. Wallace, J. Kline, K. Knittel, G. Frieders, B. Golick, G. Ross, K. Widmann, J. Jackson, S. Vernon, T. Clancy
Backscatter measurements from NIF ignition targets
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 10D921 (2010)
N. Kugland, T. Doeppner, A. Kemp, D. Schaeffer, S. Glenzer, C. Niemann
Mapping the ionization state of laser-irradiated Ar gas jets with multiwavelength
monochromatic x-ray imaging
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 10E526 (2010)
D.B. Schaeffer, N. Kugland, C. Constantin, E. Everson, B. Van Compernolle, C. Ebbers, S. Glenzer
A scalable multipass laser cavity based on injection by frequency conversion for noncollective Thomson scattering
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 81, 10D518 (2010)
P. Neumayer, C. Fortmann, T. Doeppner, P. Davis, R. Falcone, A. Kritcher, O. Landen, H.J. Lee, R. Lee, C. Niemann, S. LePape, S. Glenzer
Plasmons in Strongly Coupled Shock-Compressed Matter
Phys. Rev. Lett. 105, 075003 (2010)
- 2009
M. Roth, I. Alber, V. Bagnoud, C. Brown, R. Clarke, H. Daido, J. Fernandez, K. Flippo, S. Gaillard, C. Gauthier, M. Geissel, S. Glenzer, G. Gregori, M. Gunther, K. Harres, R. Heathcote, A. Kritcher, N. Kugland, S. LePape, B. Li, M. Makita, J. Mithen, C. Niemann, F. Nurnberg, D. Offermann, A. Otten, A. Pelka, D. Riley, G. Schaumann, M. Schollmeier, J. Schutrumpf, M. Tampo, A. Tauchwitz, An. Tauschwitz
Proton acceleration experiments and warm dense matter research using
high power lasers
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 51(12), 124039 (2009)
A. Zylstra, C. Constantin, E. Everson, D. Schaeffer, N. Kugland, P. Pribyl, and C. Niemann
Ion velocity distribution measurements in a magnetized
laser plasma expansion
Journal of Instrumentation 5, P06004 (2010)
N. Kugland, G. Gregori, S. Bandyopadhyay, C. Brenner, C. Brown, C. Constantin, S. Glenzer, F. Khattak, A. Kritcher, C. Niemann, A. Otten, J. Pasley, A. Pelka, M. Roth, C. Spindloe, D. Riley
Evolution of elastic x-ray scattering in laser-shocked warm dense lithium
Phys. Rev. E 80, 066406 (2009)
E. Everson, P. Pribyl, C. Constantin, Z. Zylstra, D. Schaeffer, N. Kugland, and C. Niemann
Design, construction, and calibration of a three-axis, high-frequency magnetic probe as a
diagnostic for exploding plasmas
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 80, 113505 (2009)
J.D. Moody, L. Divol, D.H. Froula, S.H. Glenzer, G. Gregori, R.K. Kirkwood, A. Mackinnon, N. Meezan, C. Niemann, L.J. Suter, R. Bahr, W. Seka
Control of 2w (527 nm) stimulated Raman scattering in a steep density gradient plasma
Phys. Plasmas 16, 062704 (2009)
C. Brown, S. James, F. Beg, C. Constantin, R. Daskalova, R. Edwards, R. Freeman, D. Higginson, J. Morton, C. Niemann, D. Riley, B. Thomas, L. van Woerkom, D. Hoarty, S. Rose, G. Gregori
Radiation and Hot Electron Temperature Measurements of Short-Pulse Laser Driven
High Energy Density Physics 5(3), 212 (2009)
C. Constantin, W. Gekelman, P. Pribyl, E. Everson, D. Schaeffer, N. Kugland, R. Presura, S. Neff, C. Plechaty, S. Vincena, A. Collette, S. Tripathi, M. Villagran Muniz, and C. Niemann
Collisionless interaction of an energetic laser produced
plasma with a large magnetoplasma
Astrophys Space Sci 322, 155-159 (2009)
- 2008
N. Kugland, P. Neumayer, T. Doeppner, H.-K. Chung, C. Constantin, F. Girard, S. Glenzer, A. Kemp, C. Niemann
High contrast Kr gas jet K-alpha x-ray source for high energy density physics experiments
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E917 (2008)
T. Doeppner, P. Neumayer, F. Girard, N. Kugland, O. Landen, C. Niemann, S. Glenzer
High order reflectivity of highly oriented pyrolytic graphite crystals for x-ray
energies up to 22 keV
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 79, 10E311 (2008)
E. Dewald, M. Rosen, S. Glenzer, L. Suter, F. Girard, J. Jadaud, J. Schein, C. Constantin, F. Wagon, G. Huser, P. Neumeyer, O. Landen
X-ray conversion efficiency of high-Z hohlraum wall materials for indirect drive ignition
Phys. Plasmas 15, 072706 (2008)
N.L. Kugland, C.G. Constantin, P. Neumayer, H.K. Chung, A. Collette, E.L. Dewald, D.H. Froula, S.H. Glenzer, A. Kemp, A.L. Kritcher, J.S. Ross, C. Niemann
High K-alpha x-ray conversion efficiency from extended source gas jet
targets irradiated by ultra short laser pulses
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 241504 (2008)
N.L. Kugland, J.D. Moody, B.J. Kozioziemski, A.M. Rubenchik, C. Niemann
Reduction in helium thermal conductivity by 1 mg/cc silica aerogel foam
Appl. Phys. Lett. 92, 221913 (2008)
M.J. May, M.B. Schneider, S.B. Hansen, H.K. Chung, D.E. Hinkel, H.A. Baldis, C. Constantin,
X-ray spectral measurements and collisional-radiative modeling of hot,
gold plasmas at the omega laser
High Energy Density Physics 4, 3-4, 78 (2008)
C. Niemann, R.L. Berger, L. Divol, D.H. Froula, O. Jones, R.K. Kirkwood, N. Meezan, J.D. Moody, J. Ross, C. Sorce, L.J. Suter, S.H. Glenzer
Green Frequency-Doubled Laser-Beam Propagation in High-Temperature
Hohlraum Plasmas
Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 045002 (2008)
- 2007
M. Schneider, D. Hinkel, S. Moon, S. Hansen, H. Baldis, C. Austrheim-Smith, G. Brown, K. Campbell, H.-K. Chung, K. Cone, C. Constantin, V.Yu. Glebov, J. Holder, G. Holland, D. James, A. Langdon, R. Lee, M. May, S. Roberts, J. Schein, J. Seely, W. Seka, R. Shepherd, M. Singh, C. Sorce, R. Turner, F. Weber, K. Widmann, B. Young
Development of a thermal X-radiation source using "hot" hohlraums
High Energy Density Physics 3, 256 (2007)
R.K. Kirkwood, E. Dewald, C. Niemann, N. Meezan, S.C. Wilks, D.W. Price, O.L. Landen, J. Wurtele, A.E. Charman, R. Lindberg, N.J. Fisch, V.M. Malkin, E.O. Valeo
Amplification of an ultrashort pulse laser by stimulated Raman
scattering of a 1 ns pulse in a low density plasma
Physics of Plasmas 14, 113109 (2007)
S. H. Glenzer, D. H. Froula, L. Divol, M. Dorr, R. L. Berger, S. Dixit, B. A. Hammel, C. Haynam, J. A. Hittinger, J. P. Holder, O. S. Jones, D. H. Kalantar, O. L. Landen, A. B. Langdon, S. Langer, B. J. MacGowan, A. J. Mackinnon, N. Meezan, E. I. Moses, C. Niemann, C. H. Still, L. J. Suter, R. J. Wallace, E. A. Williams, B. K. F. Young
Experiments and multiscale
simulations of laser propagation through ignition-scale plasmas
Nature Physics, 3, 716 (2007)
N.B. Meezan, R.L. Berger, L. Divol, D.H. Froula, D.E. Hinkel, O.S. Jones, R.A. London, J.D. Moody, M.M. Marinak, C. Niemann, P.B. Neumayer, S.T. Prisbrey, J.S. Ross, E.A. Williams, S.H. Glenzer, L.J. Suter
Role of hydrodynamics simulations in laser-plasma interaction predictive
Physics of Plasmas 14, 056304 (2007)
A.L. Kritcher, P. Neumayer, M.K. Urry, H. Robey, C. Niemann, O.L. Landen, E. Morse, S.H. Glenzer
K-alpha conversion efficiency measurements for X-ray scattering in
inertial confinement fusion plasmas
High Energy Density Physics, Volume 3, Issues 1-2, 156-162 (2007)
- 2006
R.K. Kirkwood, J.D. Moody, C. Niemann, E.A. Williams, A.B. Langdon, O.L. Landen, S. Depierreux, W. Seka
Observation of polarization dependent Raman scattering in a large
scale plasma illuminated with multiple laser beams
Phys. Plasmas 13, 082703 (2006)
A.J. Mackinnon, C. Niemann, K. Piston, G. Holtmeier, T. McCarville, G. Jones, I. Reinbachs, R. Costa, J. Celeste, R. Griffith, R.K. Kirkwood, B.J. MacGowan, S.H. Glenzer
Qualification of a near backscatter imaging system on the
National Ignition Facility
Rev. Sci. Instrum. 77, 10E529 (2006)
R.L. Berger, C. Constantin, L. Divol, N. Meezan, D.H. Froula, S.H. Glenzer, L.J. Suter, C. Niemann
Laser light backscatter form intermediate and high Z plasmas<
Physics of Plasmas 13(9), 092702 (2006)
O.L. Landen et al
The first experiments on the national ignition
Eur. Phys. J. D 133, 43 (2006)
D.E. Hinkel et al,
Laser coupling to reduced-scale
targets at NIF early light
Eur. Phys. J. D 133, 237 (2006)
J.L. Kline et al,
of gas filled halfraum energetics at the national ignition facility using a single quad
Eur. Phys. J. D 133, 919 (2006)
M.B. Schneider et al,
X-ray flux and X-ray burnthrough experiments on reduced-scale targets at the
NIF and OMEGA lasers
Eur. Phys. J. D 133, 1205 (2006)
E.L. Dewald, O.L. Landon, L.J. Suter, J. Schein, J. Holder, K. Campbell, S.H. Glenzer, J.W. McDonald, C. Niemann, A.J. Mackinnon, M.S. Schneider, C. Haynam, D. Hinkel, B.A. Hammel
First hohlraum drive studies on the National Ignition Facility
Physics of Plasmas 13, 056315/1-8 (2006)
J.C. Fernandez et al,
Gas-filled hohlraum experiments at the National Ignition Facility
Physics of Plasmas 13, 056319/1-8 (2006)
G. Gregori, S.H. Glenzer, H.K. Chung, D.H. Froula, R.W. Lee, N.B. Meezan, J.D. Moody, C. Niemann, O.L. Landen, B. Holst, R. Redmer, S. Regan, H. Sawada
Measurement of the carbon ionization balance in high temperature plasma mixtures
by temporally resolved x-ray scattering
Journal of Quantitative Spectroscopy and Radiative Transfer, 99(1-3), 225-237 (2006)
- 2005
E. Dewald et al,
Radiation-Driven Hydrodynamics of High-Z Hohlraums on the National Ignition
Phys. Rev. Lett. 95, 215004 (2005)
D. E. Hinkel et al,
Laser coupling to reduced-scale hohlraum targets at the Early Light
Program of the National Ignition Facility
Physics of Plasmas 12, 056305 (2005)
E.L. Dewald, S.H. Glenzer, O.L. Landen, L.J. Suter, O.S. Jones, J. Schein, D. Froula, L. Divol, K. Campbell, M.S. Schneider, J. Holder, P.W. McDonald, C. Niemann, A.J. Mackinnon, B.A. Hammel
First laser-plasma interaction and hohlraum experiments on the National Ignition
Plasma Physics and Controlled Fusion 47, Sp. Iss. SI Suppl. 12B (2005)
R. Kirkwood, E. Williams, B. Cohen, L. Divol, M. Dorr, J. Hittinger, A. Langdon, C. Niemann, J. Moody, L. Suter, O. Landen
Saturation of power transfer between two copropagating laser beams by ion-wave
scattering in a single-species plasma
Physics of Plasmas 12, 112701 (2005)
C. Niemann, L. Divol, D.H. Froula, G. Gregori, R.K. Kirkwood, A.J. MacKinnon, N.B. Meezan, J.D. Moody, C. Sorce, L.J. Suter, R. Bahr, W. Seka, S. Glenzer
Intensity Limits for Propagation of 0.527 um Laser Beams through Large-Scale-Length
Plasmas for Inertial Confinement Fusion
Phys. Rev. Lett. 94, 085005 (2005)
PHD Theses
Peter V. Heuer, Laser-Produced Plasmas as Drivers of Quasi-Parallel Collisionless Shock Formation in the Laboratory, PhD Dissertation (2020)
Erik T. Everson, Magnetic Field Characterization of a Diamagnetic Cavity Piston for Generation of Quasi-Perpendicular Collisionless Shocks" , PhD Dissertation (2016)
Eric S. Clark, Simulations of Super Alfvenic Laser Ablation Experiments in the Large Plasma Device, PhD Dissertation (2016)
Anton Bondarenko, Collision-less Coupling between Explosive Debris Plasma and Magnetized Ambient Plasma, PhD Dissertation (2015)
Derek Schaeffer, Generation of Quasi-perpendicular Collisionless Shocks by a Laser-Driven Magnetic Piston, PhD Dissertation (2014)
Nathan L. Kugland, Study of Laser-Irradiated Gas Jet Plasmas and Warm Dense Matter using X-ray Scattering, Spectroscopy, and Imaging, PhD Dissertation (2010)
Reports. Mini-theses.
Jessica Pilgram, Ion Velocity Measurements and Characterization of a Laser Induced Plasma, REU Report (2016)
Erik Knall, Flute-Like Instabilities in Laser Produced Plasmas Expanding into Ambient Plasmas, Independent Research Report (2015)
Nathaniel McDonough, Properties of Laser Plasma Instabilities Relevant to Hypersonic Aircraft, REU report (2014)
Harrison Ruiz, Laboratory Simulations of Collisionless Shocks with a High Power Laser, REU report (2012)
Rey Lopez, Development of a pulsed magnetic coil, Center for Academic and Research Excellence Progress Report (2010)
Lucas Morton, Calibration of a Magnetic Field Probe as a Diagnostic for Laser-Produced Plasma, REU report (2009)
Alex Zylstra, Plasma diagnostics for laser driven waves in a large magnetized plasma, REU report (2008)
Asher Davidson, Hot Electron Detection In Intense Laser-Plasma Interactions, REU report (2007)
Wesley Yeh, Design of a programmable logic controller based laser-safety interlock, Mini Research Report (2006)
“It doesn't matter how beautiful your theory is, it doesn't matter how smart you are. If it doesn't agree with experiment, it's wrong.”
- Richard P. Feynman.
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